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Sofishare - Tools
Sofishare Features
Tools for Convenience and Security

Here are some of the many tools available to help you make the most of your Sofishare vehicle-sharing experience:

Online/Offline Control: You can take your vehicle offline or put it back online at any time. It's just a click of a button on the My Account page.

Set your own rates and terms: You can set hourly, daily and weekly rates, and change these at any time. You can also specify per mile/km charges, if you like.

Availability templates: In order to avoid having to decline reservation requests for certain times when you always need your vehicle, you can block out these times of the week as always reserved for you. This way you only have to deal with reservation requests for times when your car is free. You only have to do this once, and week after week, we remember and apply your preferences.

Private messaging: You can use our Messaging page to communicate with other Members without revealing your email address. Or, if you prefer greater accessibility, you can list your email address and/or your telephone number so that other Members can communicate with you directly.

Search filters (for renters): Looking for a non-smoking, hybrid, 5-passenger car with fuel economy of at least 40 mpg/17 kpl for between $20 and $40 per day? With Sofishare's search filters, you can search for just what you want.

Blocked List: You can "block" other Members who you don't want to interact with. When you have blocked another Member, they will not be able to send messages to you through our Messaging page, and they will not be able to access your Member Profile or your Vehicle Profile(s).

Approved List: You can set your Approved List preferences so that only Members who you have placed on your "Approved List" will be able to place reservation requests for your vehicle.

Review feedback about other Members: You can review the feedback of other Members and read the specific comments which Members have written about the quality of their experiences with those Members. Sofishare divides feedback into two categories: feedback received as the owner of a vehicle or feedback received as the renter of a vehicle.

Set feedback requirements for potential renters: You can specify a minimum acceptable feedback score for potential renters of your vehicle(s). Any Member whose renter feedback score is lower than the minimum you set will be automatically disabled from placing reservation requests for your vehicle.

Feedback independence: Feedback you leave about another Member will not be able to be seen by that Member until that Member has also written his or her feedback about you, or until the window of time for writing feedback has been closed. In this way, another Member cannot write negative feedback about you simply because you wrote negative feedback about them.

License verification: If a Member contacts you about renting your vehicle, you can view whether the driver's license or vehicle inspection of that Member has been checked by another Member. On a Member's Vehicle Profile(s), you can see if and when the Member's vehicle inspection was last checked, and by which Member. On a Member's Member Profile, you can see if and when that Member's driver's license was last checked, and by which Member.

Automatic weeding of Members with bad feedback: The account of any member whose feedback score reaches the lowest level (three lumps of coal ) or whose negative feedback score remains negative for 90 consecutive days will be terminated automatically.

Photo privacy: Your own Member Profile is only visible to Members for whose vehicles you have contacted to request a reservation. A personal photo is optional for your Member Profile, and you can toggle this photo to be visible or hidden.

Customize your rental terms: In the Additional Notes portion of your Vehicle Profile, you can include other customized terms for the rental of your vehicle.

Reservation History: You can review the details your reservation history through the My Account page.