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Sofishare - Feedback
About Feedback
How is feedback calculated?

Your feedback scores are based on what other members have said about their vehicle-sharing experiences with you. If you have listed your a car or bicycle in Sofishare, then you will have an Owner feedback score and a Renter feedback score. If not, then you will just have a Renter feedback score. Owner feedback scores are generally represented with red flowers, and Renter feedback scores are represented with white flowers.

The scale of feedback goes from three flowers (best score) to three lumps of coal (worst score). Here are the formulas that are used to calculate your score(s):

Your feedback score as an Owner (if applicable):
95% minimum positive feedback after 50 trips and 1 year.
85% minimum positive feedback after 20 trips and 3 months.
75% minimum positive.

Your feedback score as a Renter:
98% minimum positive feedback after 50 trips and 1 year.
95% minimum positive feedback after 20 trips and 3 months.
90% minimum positive.

Your feedback score as an Owner or as a Renter, if negative:
10% or more negative.
20% or more negative with 2 or more negatives.
30% or more negative with 3 or more negatives.

Feedback older than two years is not counted when calculating your feedback scores.

Consequences of Negative Feedback

Members who receive a feedback score either as an owner or as a renter will have their memberships terminated immediately. Any member who maintains any negative feedback rating for more than 60 consecutive days will be sent a warning by email, and after 90 consecutive days, such an account will be terminated.

Leaving "Flowers"

If you want to reward someone for providing you an ideal vehicle-sharing experience, you can do this by checking the flower checkbox on the feedback form of the Feedback page of this website. This is our way to encourage our members to do their best for the benefit of the whole group as well as for themselves.

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